Sunday, January 3, 2010

Twenty ten.

When I was a kid I just kinda figured it'd be the 19somethings forever. I had a vague idea that I'd be around when the year 2000 came, It just didn't occur to me that the 2000s would keep going. Basic mathematical concepts have never been my friends.

Well, now that 2010 is here, it seems like some new resolutions are in order. What to do in 2010?

Career related goals:
1. My primary resolution is to find a job that I actually like. This will be a multi-phase goal, the first of which will be to find a JOB. But in order to keep from falling into a rut, I need to keep looking at job postings and applying for anything that looks more interesting that what I'm doing. Applying, or even going on an interview doesn't mean I'm going to take a particular job... but I need to keep looking until I find something spectacular.

2. Pursue a masters in teaching, with the goal of finding a job where I work with adults. Again, there are going to be a few parts to this, the first of which will be mostly information gathering... looking at different long-term career options and what it will take to get there. Once I figure out which program I want to get into, I will more than likely need to take some pre-reqs.

3. Learn Spanish...I've already seen a few interesting job postings that ask specifically for someone who is bilingual. I don't anticipate becoming bilinqual in a year... but if I don't start now I'll just be that much farther behind when I do start.

Social goal:
4. Spend more time and effort on real life relationships and activities. I love the internet, you know I do... but I think I pour too much of myself out into cyberspace and not enough of it into face-to-face relationships. I'm going to continue to go to knit-night and hopefully start bowling again, and make it a point to host something at my as yet undetermined home once a month or so.

Artistic / Craftistic goals:
5. Rebuild my stashes. I destashed quite a bit before I went to Thailand. It was good to weed out some stuff that I really wasn't going to use... but now I'm down to pretty bare bones. I have very specific goals for this stash building.
Knitting: Mostly buy yarn with specific gift projects in mind, for example something washable for a baby blanket, or enough pretty varigated wool for a hat / wrist warmers... that kind of thing.
Quilting: More batiks, more yellows and oranges, fewer calicos.

Hmm... I have quite a few more craft-related goals, so maybe I'll list those separately.

Hmmm..... twenty-ten. It'll be hard to beat 2009 in terms of 'adventure', but hopefully this will be a very good year for building & rebuilding my career, a home, relationships, my life!


Kaye said...

I love your #4...but only because 10 years ago everyone laughed at me for pursuing a Hispanic Studies major. "What are you going to do with that?"

Good luck with the job hunt, I know what you mean getting into the "rut" once you find a job!

Batty said...

Stash-building! Yeah! What a fun activity. I'm in the middle of a yarn diet, so I'll be stalking your blog so I can vicariously share in your new stash.

gl. said...

bowling, did you say? *perk*