Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Round-up

Everyday is work-in-progress day here at, well, Work In Progress. But it's Wednesday, so here are my WIPS.

I've finished the back of my cabled vest, and I'm up to the arm holes. I went on a bit of a hat-jag so this has been hibernating for a couple of weeks. I think I'm ready to pick it up again though.

And here's a blast from my past... well, summer anyway.

Montego Bay! I finally figured out that if I stick a split-ring stitch marker at the end of the 4 row repeat, I could keep track of where I was in the pattern. This has dramatically improved my rate of progress. You know... I'm starting to think they make all those little gadgets for a reason.

My reading list is progressing nicely as well. I've just finished reading The Great Gatsby, and have started on A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. I'm still trying to pull together my thoughts on The GG, and will blog them soon.


Trillian42 said...

See, what you need is one of turtlegirl's pattern row counters. Those things are fabulous.

And that cabled vest is lovely! So is Montego Bay - I need to do one of those one of these days...

Mag said...

The vest is really coming out beautiful! Your scarf is pretty! Good color choice.

I look forward to hearing your take on GG. I've had more than one American Lit prof tell me it is the 'greatest Amercian novel ever written'. OK. I guess they teach them that in Lit Prof grad school.


Bezzie said...

Holy Guacas, you just learned cables and look at the progress on that vest. Dang!!!