So it's been a solid week that I've been officially unemployed. It's been weird. On Wednesday after my going-away party I went bowling... then stayed up until 2am... and proceeded to sleep in until 2 PM. I woke up in time to shower, get dressed & go to knitting night... then stayed up late again (getting caught up on Battlestar Gallactica), got up late again and went directly to Happy Hour with the x-coworkers. I've actually had some activity or other planned every single day since Wednesday, and will have something planned every day until Monday. This is just bizarre. For the past month or so I've been feeling like I have no life, and all of a sudden - all kinds of stuff is going on. It's good... I've had less time to dwell on the fact that I'm unemployed. Or worse... dwell on the fact that I'm planning to move to a country where I don't speak the language to do a job I've got about zero experience doing.
I have been somewhat productive though. I finished up Thailand CELTA application #1, and got most of CELTA application #2 done. But for application #1 I needed to include a passport type photo. Ugh. I hate HATE getting my picture taken. I'm seriously the least photogenic person I know. I mean, I'm no supermodel to start with... but I almost always look worse in pictures. At least I hope I do... because my Driver's license picture makes me look like a zombie, and if I really look like that... good lord, how can you people stand to be around me??
One thing that always trips me up is my hair. Like many women I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. I mostly like it.... it's the only thing I ever get even remotely vain about. It's healthy, right now it's at a good length, it's pretty curly, and 99% not grey (although they're coming!). My hair looks best when I condition it, comb it, pin it up and let it be. If I don't touch my hair and just let it air dry before letting it down, it gets wavy but not too frizzy - like this...
So today I went to get a professional picture taken so I could have half a chance of looking good on my resume. I showered, got dressed, put on make up (!), and then all I had to do was not futz with my hair until it was dry. But with you know it's Oregon, so that could take decades. I hung out at home for a while, and didn't futz. Then I went to the mall, to shop for a while basically killing time until my hair dried. I tried not to futz but I couldn't resist. My hair was still damp and I kept walking past mirrors. I'd finger comb this part, and untangle that part, unpin, repin... all kinds of nonsense, and each time I did something it just got worse. Then I went to the bathroom and combed it all out. I thought seriously about going home and trying again tomorrow, but I really wanted to finish up my application. I seriously considered dropping into a salon to get it styled but in a rare display of fiscal responsibility I resisted. I don't even want to show you what it looks like but in the interest of full-disclosure...

But I console myself with the fact that I actually look like a living human being in this one. Seriously the only thing to do with my driver's license photo is take a nice sharp stake to the heart... or a shovel to the head - what is it you're supposed to do with zombies?

Do you have a passport? That picture trumps my DL one and makes my DL picture look like a supermodel.
Even Chunky looks not cute in his passport photo. He looks downright frightning.
I know what you mean about driver's license pictures. I wear glasses so the guy says tip your head down so we don't get a glare on your glasses, down, down, ok, now look up. So there is my head tipped down and I am looking up, how stupid. The picture for your application only has to resemble you enough that they can tell it is you. Now, remember on every day that you look great, take a picture in anticipation of needing a good photo for something.
Oh, man. The bad hair day always happens when you really want it to be good. My worst photo ever was for my visa application to go to India. I was suffering from a severe skin reaction to some face cream, so my face was all red and blotchy, and I was annoyed at the incompetent Walgreens picture taker. I looked like a serial killer. Luckily, once I sent the application, I never had to see the photo again. Hopefully it's the same with yours--though yours really isn't that bad. At least your face looks good!
On a side note, have you ever had your hair cut into a shorter bob? It seems like with your curl you could totally rock the 1920s look.
You DO look good when your hair is curled and stuff, but I don't think you look bad in that photo at all. I'm all hung up on how nice and natural your smile is!! And my DL photo is horrific -- not only did I have a bad hair day, but then she angled the camera from below in order to provide maximum double chin action. I've strongly considered "losing" it just to get a new one!
pictures and licenses-whats up with that anyway? I never take a good photo either and my drivers license looks sooooo bad, I had a hair chop the day before and I look like I just had chemo, so flattering.THe only thing that makes me feel better is how much worse my husbands drivers license is.
My driver's license makes me look like a crack dealer, and my passport picture makes me look like I'm smuggling drugs. Those pictures never look flattering. I'm surprised people don't get arrested more frequently because their pictures make them look like there should be mugshots of them.
Thanks for the reassuring photo-horror stories. Next time I feel cute I should just head over to get my picture taken.
Melissa - I have actually had a bob or two in my time. A few have looked cute, but I don't like the in between stage when I start growing it out again.
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