I'm not usually that rash (seriously, I've been patiently waiting to get into a CELTA course since November), and my boss wanted to talk about options, offered to hold on to my letter until I thought it through etc. But I was done. I really didn't think there was any way I could stay. In fact, on Thursday I made the mistake of reading my work email at home and got a message that threw me into a complete rage. That's the thing about reaching your limit - it doesn't take much to make it all spill out. So it's done, as of May 21st, I'll be unemployed.
Um.... now what do I do?
Well, naturally I jumped right into another craft project.
Inspired by the woods near my apartment I've been wanting to do this for a while.

I've accumulated a LOT of fabric for this project, and so far what I have is most of a small quilt top... perfect for a baby quilt. I kinda want a larger quilt for myself... so I can either make the quilt in progress bigger, or finish it and start a second quilt for myself. I haven't made any decisions yet... too busy making rash, risky, emotionally driven decisions about my career.
Oh lordy... what have I done???
It sounds like you made a good decision for your mental health. No job is worth risking that. Good for you for taking the bull by the horns and doing something about it.
yay! good for you. life is way too short to stay in shitty jobs.
YAH! You deserve less stess in your life! Good luck!
Here's hoping unemployment stress is less than shitty job stress. But unemployment stress is easily abolished.
1. Oooh! Pretty!
2. Omigod!
I think you have made the right choice; just be patient and the right job will come along.
Your nature pictures are inspiring. If you don't rush the quilt you will get a lot of ideas on the journey.
Those fabrics are great and should be so wonderful to work with. Enjoy!
Sounds like your job was pushing you over the edge, so enjoy your new freedom! Hope you find something you'll love for the next step on the journey.
WOW! Congrats. I'm not working either, so give me a call and we'll do lunch someday when you have nothing better to do...
Good for you! It sounds like you did what you need to do. And yeah, jobs come and go, you will definitely figure something out. In the mean time...crafting!
Oh, good for you! This will feel great soon, if it doesn't already.
Fear is just a feeling like any other. It passes.
The good stuff is on the other side. You're nearly there!
OMG! Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine though.
Doesn't sound like you were rash. It sounds to me like this was a long time coming. Congratulations on choosing sanity and not dying of a heart attack.
It's a great time for a fresh start!
I'm just catching up on blogs, and it sounds like you've had a wild ride these past few weeks. I can't imagine the kind of stress you're under, but I wish you well. Good thing there's crafting for taking one's mind off things, eh? Hang in there! Something good will come along soon.
I know how you feel--when you're done, you're done. Good luck with finding a new job. I'm sure all will work out okay.
Good luck. It sometimes take a long time, but I'm beginning to see that people do eventually find the place they fit.
It's not the end of the world.
Scary-yes, but not the end.
wow! and congratulations! i can just feel the huge weight off your shoulders. something very good and exciting will happen next. :)
wow! and congratulations! i can just feel the huge weight off your shoulders. something very good and exciting will happen next. :)
i'm so far behind, but i must say hooray! there's so much more you can be doing with your life. i'm not generally the sort of person who says "the universe will guide you..." but i think if you let yourself remain open, you'll find the thing that's right for you. good luck and congratulations, rebel!
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