Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sweet land of liberty...

I got hit by a car again. It was just pulling out into the road so it was barely moving and I wasn't hurt at all, but still - as a pedestrian I may as well be invisible.

One of my students went to the US for a training in Pittsburgh. At our first lesson back I asked him a lot of questions about his trip. Where did he go? What did he eat? What was the weather like? It wasn't the most spectacular of trips, but he said he had a good time. He enjoyed going to a hockey game, and he drank plenty of Budweiser. He got to see some waterfalls (he said it was Niagara Falls but unless my geography is off - that's unlikely). And of course, he ate at a Thai restaurant nearly every night. He didn't have any particularly strong opinions about anything he'd seen or done. But when I asked him what he thought of the people he lit up a bit.

"When I go to the street... to walk across the street... the people in the cars, they stop for me. I thought - oh very good! I walk across the street, every car stops."

"Yes." I smiled, a tear of pride forming in the corner of my eye. "Yes they do."

TAG: Code Apple Pie


Cate said...

I didn't think it was possible, but the drivers here are way worse than in Thailand!

Rebel said...

LOL! I've heard the same about Vietnam... I guess I should count my blessings. =)

Bezzie said...

What a sad thing to be proud of. And I've never been too impressed with drivers and pedestrians here! Guess it does get worse!

Rebel said...

Why is that sad? It's not the only thing I'm proud of, and I've NEVER been hit by a car in the states.

Melissa said...

I am paranoid when crossing the street, so I probably wouldn't do so well over there! Or maybe my paranoia is fitting for Thailand.

Thanks for the postcard, btw! I just got it because it was forwarded from my old address.

Michael5000 said...

Niagara's only about four or five hours from Pittsburgh, so he might have made a day trip.


Stacey said...

that made me immediately think he should probably not visit Lowell MA. :)

Rebel said...

Melissa on more than one occasion I've taken a taxi home because I just couldn't handle crossing the street. =P

M5K - yeah... but I asked him if he went to New York (and pointed it out to him on my map) and he said no. But in my experience, the average Thai person's map skills are even worse than the average American's... so who knows where he actually was.

Stacey - why not?

Jeannetto said...

Asian drivers...

Here in Japan pedestrains dont have the right of way either. And everyone speeds through parking lots and over speed bumps. Why are the speed bumps even there?

Rebel said...

Maybe they're just 'public art' or something. ;)

Jonathan said...


Worse in Vietnam. Yeah, I could see that. For some reason, it feels safe, though.

Maybe there's something wrong with you? Hehe.

By the way, in Montreal nobody would ever stop for you at a cross walk. It NEVER happens.