Monday, April 14, 2008

The sun'll come out

next week? Maybe? Unfortunately, we're back to our previously scheduled cold & rainy April. =/

But on Saturday I went to the garden store and picked out about $100 worth of flowers. Then I remembered that I only have about 3 sq. ft. of garden space, so I really didn't need that many flowers. Plus, only the most shade-friendly plants will actually grow in my garden, so I put about half the plants back.

Here's what I planted:

Um... the tags are all outside - and it's cold there so... uh... the two plants in the back are shade-loving with white & green varigated leaves and tiny blue flowers. From there I just planted more of what survived from last year - a couple ferns, a couple primroses and some more vinca. I know it still looks sparse, but I'm saving room for impatiens when they come in.

Oh - exciting news! Some of my tulips bloomed!

I didn't get a single daffodil this year - I think the raking just came at a really bad time for them.

And after the garden store I went to Hawthorne St. to shop for a while. I actually walked down to Cool Cottons. At about 30th I decided I was only going to look. By 26th I was thinking... just a little something... a fat quarter maybe. By the time I started up the steps I was thinking. Ok - a yard... but no more than that!! Yeah... then I got inside.

It's only two yards though... so that's not sooo bad. And it's not actually for quilting. They had all these cute little capri pants and it was all sunny outside... how could I resist?


Bezzie said...

Nice patch!!!!

Yeah I probably would have caved on the fabric too. ;-)

Olga said...

You oughta sew up some capri's outta that fabric- ultra cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute fabric! I didn't know there was a fabric store on Hawthorne. I'll have to check it out next time I'm down there. (Like I need more fabric.)

Mag said...

Flowers in the garden plot and flowers on the fabric. It IS spring!

Rebel said...

Thanks bezzie - it's nothing to your pots & socks, but I do what I can. ;)

olga - I'm thinking capris or maybe a top.

Melissa - it's about 10 blocks up from Yarn Garden, so if you ever feel like a shop-hop saturday, let me know!

Magatha - it was Spring last weekend for sure, but they're predicting SNOW for next weekend! CRAZY!